Sunday, July 23, 2006


"Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God." Romans 13:1

'In so far as they carry out the will of God, civil officers are the ministers of God. Their function is to punish those who do evil and secure the protection of those who do well.'
'Since the state is a creature of God, it is the duty of the creature to acknowledge it's Creator.'

Each night before going to sleep, I've been reading a portion of "The Communicant's Class" by J Boyd Tweed.
The above is a few exerpts from that booklet.
How far we have come from honoring our Creator. Man seems to think that he is the creator these days, and that he has full authority to recklessly endanger anyone who gets in his path. Our government seems to be coming undone. Our leaders for the most part seem to be denying that God even exists. Our laws that were formulated under God by Christian men of authority in the very beginning of our nation.. are being torn apart and twisted, and even being denied existance in some cases. It would seem that we are living in chaos.
There are factions who would deny us and our children the knowledge of God's existance in our history- removing crosses, the 10 Commandments from public buildings, and removing the Bible as a rule of authority in public schools, and actually rewriting history books to eliminate any reference to our Christian heritage .. I could go on. Suffice it to say, the more we deny God, the more chaos reigns in our land. Truth seems to be covered in a cloud of smoke.
Dismal? I guess. For those who do not know Christ, it is VERY dismal. But I have to step back and look at the world and say.. My God is in control .. it is MAN who is out of control and has no idea how to correct things because he refuses to go back to the Lord and ask for help and guidance. It is MAN who seems to be acting like a 2 year old, having tantrums and being obstinate before God the Father. I think back to my own children saying "I can do it myself!!!!".. and this is what our world leaders seem to be saying as they shake their fists at the One who has created them and placed them in the positions of authority.
I read about Sodom and Gomorrah.. we seem to be far worse than those 2 wicked cities.. how much longer will God tolerate our wickedness?
Pray for our nation and world leaders- it's something every Christian can do, and God does hear us.

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