It's again the early morning- nearly 4:30am. Yesterday after 2 cups of coffee, I layed down in my bed and slept till 1:30pm...afternoon!!! Not at all like me. Last night I decided to try going to bed earlier-about 10pm..but I took some sleep medication to make sure I stayed asleep. I did till now.
It's quiet here. I may make some coffee, but maybe not.. Maybe I should try going back to bed for a few more hours. That seems reasonable.
Last evening Wendell and I joined Keith and JJ for supper at their house. It was such a delicious meal! Wonderful food and even more wonderful the company. We enjoyed the friendly Wizzy who is always playful. Later, Crystal joined us and finally relaxed in our presence. She's a beautiful cat. She's a gray tiger stripe. She's afraid of everyone but she loves men. I assumed it was my presence that kept her 'on her guard' all evening.
Thanks again for the lovely evening.
Still doing the Candida diet. I'm not perfect at it, but figure any effort toward restraining the yeast is worthwhile to get it controlled. I tried the plain yogurt. It's pretty good. I added some Cajun seasoning to my tomatoes and yogurt. I really enjoyed the new flavors. So I decided to put some onion soup mix in the yogurt (just a little) and we had it as a dip for fresh veggies last evening. Really tasty. Bread has not been difficult to give up. I think I may try corn bread. If there is no yeast in the mix, I'll be fine. I have some good recipes and a bag of organic corn meal.
I missed my fruit last night. I was going to have an apple but forgot about it before going to bed. Too bad I can't keep saving up the fruits and have fruit as a meal one day, but that's not the way it works. Just little bits once a day and the rest is veggies.
My tongue and cheeks look clear.. they tend to look that way till I use the Nystatin, and then I see more placky looking junk. Not as much each day, but still present. We'll see today how that goes. Much less sinus drainage and the coughing is sporadic. I think I'll live.
Now I just need my energy levels pushed up a notch or two.
This all has been so draining.
Today I plan to be at home. I'm hoping to just get done a few little things and then rest. I can use that.
This is Labor Day weekend. I just realized that when JJ mentioned that yesterday. WOW! This means the summer is officially over in a few days. It wasn't a l -o- n- g hot summer than I'd anticpated. It went fast. A few pretty hot days and the rest were comfortable. Of course , I spend much time indoors in AC, but still...
That means I'm that much closer to my retirement date. We still have to go through at least half of winter before I get to that point. One last blast of icy snow covered roads.. and in the middle of it all, I will be done. Hooray !!!!!
I've been watching the temperatures drop for the past couple weeks.. that is, overnight temps. That's a sign of fall coming. Last night we were in the mid 60s and the night before the mid 50s. It's time to get the warm blankets out and on the bed 'just in case'. I still have my AC on at night and nearly all day. I like the coolness and the movement of air.
I suppose I should go back to bed for a few hours. I need the rest no matter what. I'd love to just get up and have some coffee.. and get started on the day, but there are others to be considered who are sleeping yet. I'm a bit sleepy yet myself, but not one to lay around in bed once I'm awake. I always think that would be so wonderful, but when the opportunity arises, I just don't.
Have a mighty fine day, bloggers..