Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I think the only ones who appreciate the rainy dreary weather is frogs and ducks.. and maybe a few fish.. It's certainly wet. I was inside most of the day, but as the rain keeps coming down, maybe we should consider.... an ark?
I wonder how Noah made it with all those animals? It would have been a full time commitment. I've shoveled the barn and I know that's a chore.. imagine his days.. the smell.. and where did he put the food to feed all these creatures, and how did he keep the peace? I wonder if God put the animals to sleep for that journey? Perhaps suspended them in time??
Thankfully, the world will never be destroyed by water and flooding again.. scripture says so and I see the sign in the rainbow after the rain has passed.

With so many parts of the world without water or rain, I feel blessed to live where I do. We seem to have just the right amount. Lake Blair overflows yet.

Feeling a tad better tonite. The medications seem to be kicking in. There have been few coughing jags, and then only when I'm up and moving. These are becoming more manageable with the meds.. When the spasms hit, the Proventil is the thing that calms the wheeze and the cough slows to a stop. I'm learning. This is all new to me. I will be using the Advair inhaler for a while- a couple of months- to keep the reactions short and less dramatic.

The kids were here today and we got to visit with them while their parents went out. We had a good time, too bad it was raining. They all wanted to go outside. So I made some popcorn and got out some corn chips and then cut up 4-5 apples and we watched the DVD.. I put on pictures of them from last fall and Grandma Camp. David laughed through the whole thing. He really enjoyed all the photos on tv.
Grampa got his birthday present- new pictures of Annabelle. That just made his day!

Tomorrow we plan to do some slow cleanup. I dont' think I can do any more than that which is necessary at the moment.

Have a super day and evening.. keep your powder dry!

1 comment:

Jthemilker said...

There is a drought in KY so lets all be thankful for the rain.

Can you imagine how crazy Noah's wife must have thought he was? Not to mention everyone else.