Sunday, October 28, 2007

96 days to go

Let me be among the first to wish everyone a happy holiday season.. huh? Oh, yeah.. it's not QUITE there yet.. am I pushing things? Hmmmm..
The sooner we get through the holidays, the sooner I will reach retirement.. there is method to my madness. But it IS only 4 weeks to Thanksgiving, and my last vacation week I shall ever have to schedule against 50 other people vying for the same week off. No more "Uh.. I know you have seniority, but I have reservations for my vacation in ( fill in the blank) for this week and this week.. effectively taking away my choice of weeks. After all, I wouldn't want someone to lose the $2500 they put down on their vacation now, would I? So, in recent years and past ones too, though Wendell and I would have loved to celebrate our wedding anniversary on the date, we have had to give it up for someone else's reservations. So how does one make up for this nonsense every year? I choose Thanksgiving week when NO ONE else wants to select that week. I've done it for as many years as I can remember. The funny thing is that every year I ask around if anyone wants that week, and they look at me as if I have a few screws loose and say "No.. are you kidding? Vacation in November?" So I sign up for that week and when it finally arrives, there is a mad scramble to get the day off, and the usual groaning and moaning about how unfair it is that Marilyn has the whole week off... to which I usually reply "get over it".
It is sooooo chilly out today~ 37 degrees this morning according to NOAA. Brrrrrrrrr!! And the frost warnings are out for the next 2 nights- we expect 32 degrees~ freezing.
I think I better get some warmer clothes out. Along with this change in temperature comes a tiredness I can't seem to shake. I sleep fine and for a little longer than usual, but I'm still so very tired. Better get the vitamins going again.. I need them anyway. Glad I got my flu shot too. With tiredness brings a lower immune system and that means I can pick up any virus or bug that is circulating. So, vitamins it is!
I made coffee this morning to warm up my insides, and then heated up 2 rice bags to warm my cold body. Gotta get a space heater for the bedroom. I don't like sleeping in a warm room at night, so we don't turn the heat on here at all. The space heater takes the edge off and it's just right. I borrowed John and Mandy's last winter, but need one of my own. Shopping is not my favorite thing, but I do need this item.
Today is Sabbath and though I am gainfully employed today, Wendell is planning to go to church. Good for him!!
On to the day.. Pray for us

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