Sunday, August 31, 2008

this and that

It's the Sabbath. It's a quiet morning here, and I am awake and enjoying my first cup of coffee freshly brewed. Right now it's 52 degrees in Butler.. and will likely reach 85 degrees with a 0 chance of precipitation. I wish it would rain.. everything is so dry.
When the weather is like this, I don't even consider burning papers outside in the burn barrel. I still have vivid memories of my birthday a couple years ago when I set the woods behind our house ablaze. (see April 18, 2006)
I never want to have that happen again.

Tomorrow I will have to do laundry. I've been putting it off since just before Gramma Camp and with JJ taking a load with her that week for me, I just have been too lax.
That, and the fact that allergies keep me wheezing and coughing without a lot of exertion this past week. No wonder I'm lax.

Wendell hasn't been feeling well this week either. He's been more than slow moving, but at least he's moving a little. I really don't know how to get him going.. walking. I'd walk with him if he would.

I'm noticing that I'm about the last person in my family who is still regularly blogging. Wonder why that is? I really try to keep up to date with it with anything going on in the family.
Speaking of which, I will ask you for prayer today for Wendell's cousin Danie who has been very recently diagnosed with metastatic cancer and who is now in the hospital getting pain control. That's all that can be done now unless the Great Physician chooses to remove the cancer from his body. I have no doubt that He can do so, but we have to accept His will for us no matter. The family asks for prayer for his comfort spiritually and physically and for his wife and his family too.

It is the Sabbath. I plan to be in church today if it is God's will for me. I look forward to it. Pray for Vince as he delivers the message from God's word today. Remember to pray for YOUR pastor too.. it's important. And thank the Lord today that you can attend a worship service without fear of harm for doing so. Who knows how long this will last?

I'm off to the shower.. have a beautiful peaceful day, bloggers

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