Monday, September 01, 2008

It occurs to me that this 'Labor Day' sign doesn't really belong here today.. I believe traditionally it is the first Tuesday in September.. However, it makes a long weekend and that is fine with me.

We hope to have a picnic this afternoon.. one of the last for the summer. My, we did have quite a few this year, and the picnic table has been used nearly constantly for one thing or another. Thanks, Bill. The way our family is growing, we may need another.

So what is everyone's opinion of Sarah Palin? I was stunned when John McCain announced her as his VP.. but thrilled too as I'd heard her name mentioned and heard of her accomplishments in Alaska. Fine choice... we will win in November.

I was trying to transfer some $$ from our one account to another this morning and have now frozen the accounts. Oh, bother. They say to call the bank, but it's a holiday..duh? This happened to me just once before..again on a holiday. I shouldn't try this again.. it's annoying.

Gotta get some work done's LABOR day , ya know?

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