Saturday, September 13, 2008

Getting it off my chest

I decided to go outside and sit on the porch.. it's muggy tonite.. cool, not hot or cold.. and there is a distant rumbling that sounds like a major storm on it's way. .. or is it? As I sat there listening, it started to sound farther away.. or was it? Then the light show started.. the neighbors were setting off fireworks. Several aimed directly at the neighbors across the road. Then they changed the trajectory and aimed more vertically and I watched the colored sparks fall what looked like right over Charlie's house. YIKE.. Thankfully, we've had rain for the past few days and the sparks didn't ignite anything. I wonder to myself, why don't they aim their fireworks back toward the back of their property where there are no houses.. ? .. just woods.. oh.. maybe not.
These neighbors are not earning brownie points from me.. oh,no. It was perhaps 3 weeks ago on a Friday evening when what seemed like a whole team of race cars arrived. It thrilled them to rev their engines so loud that we couldn't carry on a conversation inside or outside. Then the wild sound of the cars came roaring out of their driveway never slowing to make a 90 degree angle out onto the highway in front of our house. We have a straight stretch that they thought was made for a drag strip.. and they did. It horrified me watching them accelerate all the way to the next 90 degree angle and hear the tires squealing.. I thought it was all over when the 2nd one did the same.. but a 3rd also did exactly the same thing..each one trying to outdo the other with noise and speed.
We have a lot of little children on our road. I've seen them out on the road playing by themselves.. no parents in sight. I have commented that these kids are going to get hit one day.. they ride bikes on the road too without anyone observing them other than me likely. We have always had a quiet neighborhood.. everyone was aware of the children living around here and the small amount of traffic made it pretty safe. You just take your time and don't race or you may come upon a surprise. These neighbors beside us are new and haven't got an ounce of sense.
What next?

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