Wednesday, April 19, 2006


"This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

Well, it only seems fair that I put my own picture from years ago on the blog on my birthday. I was 3 yr old here.
We lived in Upper Burrell then.
Dad took this picture..there are many others in existance that he took and developed himself. Is it any wonder that I am the 'visual' person that I am. It's a trait I got from him.

(Note to self: have fire extinguisher in hand , pin pulled and ready when the candles are lit on my cake this year. 911 is the number to call 'just in case'.)

My hair was bright red, thus "Carrot top" and "Red" were some of the nicknames I carried throughout my childhood.
It was a lot redder in those days. No comments, please.

Nicknames were kind of interesting.. in my teen years I was referred to as "Mimm" .. and at the hospital I got dubbed "Mern" for some strange reason. I understand from Mandy that John has already started referring to me as "Blaze" ! Thanks John.. I know you read the blog.
I have to admit, the hair color and the temper seemed to go hand in hand.. though in my adult years, it doesn't show a lot or very often. We can be thankful for some things. I've mellowed.
I'm still outspoken often enough, and will state my cause when I feel strongly about an issue, but more often than not, with a gentleness rather than fury.

Please....... be patient ...... God isn't finished with me yet.
He seems to be molding me and shaping me moreso in these last few years than ever. As I read His Word and learn, I grow closer to Him and put all my trust there. In my aging, I am learning patience, love, and to be willing to give more than I receive. There is much more, and I'm thankful to know the Father loves me, cares for me, provides for me, and is always there for me.
Yep, I'm turning a page today.


Jthemilker said...

Happy Birthday Mom. Might I suggest that you get yourself a larger fire extinguisher than the one Keith gave you last night? Your candle flames might be a little much for it!

Along nicknames... just to confirm... Dr Tiburcio affectionately has referred to you as "Old Red" and I prefer "Mummy."

Enjoy the day, but let's try to keep the excitement to a minimum! :)

Love you!

Jemit said...