Saturday, September 16, 2006


I got to talk to Nicki last night when I came home from work. She seems to be in good spirits despite her dilemma with blood clots at the port and PICC sites. In another month she says they will check to see if a new port can be inserted for her treatments.
It's so important to remember to pray.. Keep her high on your list. And pray for the medical team who does her care and planning.
This morning when I got up, I noticed much less edema in my feet and legs.. that is not to say it's gone, just that it's less. The scales reflect a total loss of 5#..... 2# more than yesterday. I think the Lasix is finally kicking in.
How wonderful it is to live in an age where these more or less life threatening things can be handled so swiftly and easily. Thank the Lord for medical advances and for medications that reverse dire illnesses, and praise the Great Physician for his healing hands on us.

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