Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Good morning all.. it's time to rise and shine.. It's 6:30am. UGH! We've had some rain overnight, and the temperature is to only get to 68 today.. quite a difference from the 80s of yesterday.
This is my 'off shift' day at the hospital. I don't care for this shift, as even if they give me the day off, they have me 'on call' for 4 hours at a time, so I really can't accomplish much. It starts at 11am, so the day is shot by 7:30 in the evening.

It appears that my body has shed another pound of fluid. That's 6# so far. My legs remain swollen for the most part. I have small ankles despite my large size but I haven't seen them in a few weeks. The left foot/leg is swollen from my toes to my knee, while the right foot looks more normal, but swollen from the ankle up, though not as bad as the other. The good thing is that I can get my shoes on without difficulty on both feet now.

Wendell came home from the park yesterday and said his knees weren't hurting as bad as before. We figure the weather has much to do with the pain~ as well as the bone to bone problem. It was a simply gorgeous day yesterday, and then, he'd had the right knee injected with cortisone last week. So together, the pain was reduced. Not gone, but less.
Today I'll try to get the appointment with the orthopedic surgeon to discuss knee replacement. JJ has already spoken with him about her dad, and the surgeon says Wendell needs at least 6 months after his cardiac surgery before they will do another elective surgery such as he is contemplating. And.. the longer the better. He's already got 6 months since the surgery in March this year. The surgeon also said it would be a while till he could see him~ when you're good, it's worth the wait. Another 6 weeks perhaps before seeing the surgeon, and then a few weeks more getting on the OR schedule.. and getting all the doctors to clear him for surgery. Perhaps closer to Thanksgiving..

It's nearly 7am now. Gotta get on the move.. Things to do, people to see, and places to go..
Pray for us. We are in need of prayer every day. How thankful we are to have praying friends and family.

Nicki is to be discharged today from the hospital. Remember her also if you would. Pray for her healing and that these present events won't be a severe setback. Pray for Bob too, as he assists her at home.

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