Monday, August 09, 2010

Many apologies for not keeping up with Family Photo Friday this past week.. the next topic will be things beginning with A or associated with the letter A.

Wendell had his eye checked this morning.. both are doing well and now he's just on the steroid drops 4x/day till they are done.
He can legally drive without his glasses also. YAY for Wendell. Lots of wonderful things happening for him.. like his 9# weightloss this past month. WOW!

The Valentines left this afternoon after lunch. We will miss them. It's soooooo quiet here at the moment.

Imm reunion on Saturday was a blast. Unfortunately, I was on my feet a bit long and by evening wasn't able to ambulate well at all.. and had a very bad night. Sabbath was a hair better in the morning, but not enough to be able to drive or even get down off the deck (steps) I had to use the quad cane till this morning when I got up.. I feel a lot better, but still have some pain in my legs. Seems to me this is why I retired in April.. to stay off my feet as much as possible.. hmmmmm
I did have the best time at the reunion though.. pictures coming..

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