Saturday, June 12, 2010


I could use one of these swings.. out under the ash tree. It's a sweltering hot day outside at the moment (noon) 82*. Inside we are comfortable with central air pouring out the cool and removing the warm. I'm thankful that God knows my intolerance to extremes in temperatures and has provided this 'out' for me.
This weather rakes havoc on asthma however and I have noted the last few days when I go outdoors I begin to wheeze- worse if I walk any distance. I do much better inside.
We went to get our bloodwork done today- yes- Saturday. The place was slow, so we got right in. Wendell took his slip in and I had had mine faxed over early this week.. except they couldn't find it and it's the weekend.. RATS! That means another night of fasting next week.. I've already done that twice this week trying to get the bloodwork done. I did have my R ankle Xrayed.. it many times feels broken and very sore in bed. So I mentioned to my PCP that perhaps I could have it checked out before my appointment on Wednesday.
Finished at the lab, we went out to breakfast and really enjoyed that. We are doing portion control, so we ordered 2 eggs scrambled, 1 order of toast split between us, an order of bacon split between us, and a fruit dish that we also split.. good breakfast and neither of us went away hungry or overfull.

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