Monday, July 05, 2010

post July 4

Here it is the day after the 4th of July. I hope your's was a delight. We had a sort of good day.. the Z's grilled chicken and grillers and brought it to our house where I'd made potato salad and had fresh pineapple and strawberries.. patriotic cupcakes for dessert- thanks Mandy- and a taste of barbecue potato chips from the Vulhops. Oh.. yummy everything! Later on the weather really caught up to me and I ended up having to use my nebulizer and some Xopenex for the wheezing. It's that time.
I'll make sure I get all the meds issued to me this month in particular. I can't afford an asthma attack because it involves steroids to calm it down. Steroids leave my body racked with all of their side effects.. happens EVERY time. So I have to be really cautious.
As yesterday, today is very hot and an Air Quality Advisory has been issued. This is the warning to anyone with respiratory problems (including asthma) to stay indoors and preferably in air conditioning. It also includes not expending a lot of energy. Breathing faster while working indoors or out seems to bring the wheezing on faster.
No guilt here. I'm sitting quietly at the computer. Dishes are done, house isn't too bad. I'll save the sweeping for another day.
Had a bad night again last night. It was 2am when I looked at the clock.
It's 90 degrees right now and may go to 92* before the day is out. Plants got watered early this morning- a good soaking for my tomatoes in particular. I have 7 plants and 2 of them are in blossom.
It's gonna be a hot week. I thank the Lord for providing us the resources to acquire central air conditioning. It's been a blessing.

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