Saturday, July 23, 2011

Good morning all.. it'll be noon soon, but I've been up since 8am.. It feels like a good day on the horizon.  The temperature is at 81*, though the heat index says 85*.. it's still better than the 107* of yesterday before the thunderstorm hit.  It is just plain damp outdoors, but a glorious day anyway.
I saw Thomas, our silly cat, laying in the wet grass this morning.  It has to be hard for him in this weather, as his fur coat is black and absorbs heat a lot more than anyone else.  Poor thing.
Wendell noted yesterday that we now have 4 female hummingbirds coming to the feeder.  We can tell some apart from the others, but when they all appeared together yesterday afternoon, we knew for certain that there are 4.  This morning Wendell noted that one of them only has 1 leg.. I did see that.. interesting.  She still is able to perch, but I'd bet it's a lot harder for her than the 2 legged ones.
It's Saturday and I have some bills that need paid today- Gotta get a move on....

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