Thursday, September 25, 2008

Here it is Thursday.. and my special day in the office. How I love my job and my patients too. The good doctor informs me the feeling is mutual.. so say my patients when they have their quarterly visits. I am blessed.
I'll ask that you pray again for us today.. no untoward events and for my skills to be the best yet. Tuesday was wonderful- patients infused safely and I believe I had to 'stick' one patient twice.

Pray for our nation.. for the economy to settle and prosperity to resume. I believe the fact that this is an election year compounds the problems. It seems like our whole world, not just our congress and leaders, is living in some twilight zone of insanity where good is evil and evil is good. This strange New World Order seems to have dropped on us like a concrete piano. Martial law looks like it could be on the horizon.
Pray for a stable Presidential election and for a leader who can bring us through this disastrous time. Pray for revival in our nation with all eyes on the Lord, our trust in Him being foremost.

I'm reading a book(let) called Heaven by Randy Alcorn. It's a QA about what Heaven is like from excerpts of scripture. I'd love to read the book. It's given me a new look and real encouragement to look beyond the miseries of the day to a glorious future.

It's to be in the low 70s today.. typical fall day. Our days recently have been so beautiful. Wendell and I have both been enjoying sitting outside and just appreciating blue skies and the warmth of the sun. I see rain coming this weekend.. we need it.

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