Thursday, August 24, 2006


Yesterday was a very busy one with Wendell and I going to the eye doctor for our exams.. it took 2 1/2 hours to complete the comprehensive testing, but well worth the time.
Wendell's eyes have had some changes, but there is no sign of any serious problems such as retinopathy that is the nemesis of diabetics. He does have very early cataracts, but these are not a problem now, and can be dealt with later.
New glasses for both of us was the order of the day.. I also had some minor changes in vision, and these should be adjusted with corrective lenses.
I thought it funny to see Wendell's pupils so huge and dilated.. till I got the drops too.. my right one was huge, but the left one was still small.. I guess I looked funnier than he.
Next week he sees the pulmonologist...
Gotta get moving... have a fabulous day.. pray for us.

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