Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Today started the big move to our new office. It's so thrilling to be moving to a place with 4 times the space of the present office.. We now have room to spare and then some.
I picked up little Paul this morning and we took off for the old office and joined right in packing all my supplies and marking them accordingly. He was a super helper. I couldn't have done it without him. He not only unloaded the major closets, but packed the boxes with expertise and sealed and marked them for me. He was a great packer.
After one of the reps brought us a pizza/salad lunch, P3 and I packed up the extra boxes of stuff and drove down to the new office and he unloaded them all. He assisted me with getting my new desk put together where it needed to be..and helped clean up too.
The movers arrive tomorrow and will be bringing us all the boxes we packed carefully today. Daniel is coming with me to help unpack my supplies and put them on a shelf in the big storage room. Then there is a matter of getting down under the desk and wiping it down so it's clean.
I hope my file cabinets arrive tomorrow too.. and I'll have a bookcase all to myself, and a huge locked cupboard where my other supplies will be kept.
On Friday, Joyce will be going with me to get the files started. It should be fun and busy.
The telephones were being installed all day today.. I'll have one for just me in my office. I'm hoping to have things in order by Friday so that on Monday I can be 'in business' and have patients in by Tuesday. The new recliners are to arrive Tuesday, so I hope the first patients will be able to enjoy them.
More tomorrow...

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