Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Monday was pretty much a whirlwind day. Lots going on..
We started out by going to see the pulmonologist (lung doctor) for Wendell. He has a small amount of emphysema, but the doctor doesn't think this is the cause of his shortness of breath. He feels there is some other pathology (possibly the fibrosis) going on in there. He mentioned this could have been the result of anesthesia when he had his bypass surgery 2 yr ago. So Wednesday we will go up to the hospital where he will have a high resolution CT scan of the chest. This should be pretty definitive. He'll also have ABGs done and an ambulatory pulse oximetry to determine his need of supplemental oxygen. While we are there we'll stop at the sleep center to find a suitable CPAP mask for him too.
We stopped afterward for lunch and then I took him home and headed back to the office to complete work for the week and making necessary phone calls. While I was there, I straightened up the storage closet .. emptying about 6 huge boxes and organizing the contents on the shelves. By 3:30pm, I was home again.. with an aching back. I took a nap for about an hour or so.. then had supper.. and decided to sit down at the computer to search for some birthday items for the grandkids.. we have 4 birthdays within the next month. Having done that, we decided to also order a wedding gift from the bridal registry for friends from church.
In the mean time, it was a stormy day.. comfortable, but rainy. I think folks up north of us got it worse though. Today our high will only be 65 with some chance of rain tonite.
I'll be heading on into the office around noon. I have patients scheduled to infuse today. Pray that all goes well and that my accuracy will be right on target.
I'm loving having my own office, but I find that when I go in to do any organizing, I seem to get pulled to the front to assist there. I don't mind it, but I tend to get worn out, and my office is the only one that isn't picture perfect because I don't have the time to spend organizing there. I really don't mind, but it would be nice to be able to do what I would like to do to make it homey there.
I have slept well through the night with only one short episode of coughing from asthma.. it wasn't bad, and I'm up and moving early this morning.
Have a super day bloggers..

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