Thursday, March 18, 2010

to operate or not..

Oh, such a wonderful thing.. the arrival of glorious spring!
It's to be 64* today and sunny !!!!! Ah... I've been waiting for this weather. Spring is my very favorite season of the year. My gray mood has lifted and I feel revived.

I saw the ortho doctor this week and find that according to his Xrays I have a grade 2 spondylolisthesis.. a slipped vertebra. Well, it gives a whole new outlook on why I have back pain. I also have moderate stenosis - fusing. Hmm. The treatment, as there is no cure, for this problem is actually spinal fusion. Another choice is having it injected with cortisone every 3 months or so. Neither is a good or reasonable choice for me. I've been using the blood thinner called Plavix since stroke #1. It does do a good job and to be off for a week before getting the injections/surgery would leave me vulnerable to another stroke. Of what value would this be if I had no back pain but stroke? As the doctor explained to me, I can do well at home without the surgery, but one day it will catch up with me and it'll be a no brainer need for surgery. Lovenox can be used to thin blood at that point. Also I'm considering the fact that neither procedure is any guarantee of being pain free even for a short time.
He suggests that I continue my present regimen and use oral pain medication as I need it. I also will be resigning from my office position as it aggravates the problem and it's getting harder to recuperate.
So.... I must get a letter of resignation ready.

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