Thursday, May 15, 2008

I thought when I retired I'd have all this time to do all the things I love to do.. visiting with shut-ins, grandkids, crocheting, etc.. but so far, I haven't had many days off, and they are all so full.. ugh. Gotta find retirement somewhere.. somehow. I'm busier than ever.. how did I ever work a hospital schedule into my agenda?

Today is infusion day. My assistant is going to go in early to get things started. HOORAY! So why am I up at 5am? UGH. My coffee is so good.
As the usual, I ask for prayer for each of my patients today. Pray for no unexpected 'events' and that Kathy's and my accuracy would be right on target each time. There are 12 patients to see, and I've split the day 6 in the morning and 6 in the afternoon. I'm taking the afternoon shift.

The end of next week Wendell and I will be traveling to Valentines again for Isaac's birthday. He's going to be 8 !! It'll be a quick trip up and we shall return Monday or Tuesday. The office moves June 4,5,and 6, so I need to be there to pack my 'stuff'. I need to set up my new office that week or the first of the next week. It'll be so much fun.

I think I may go back to bed for a while... have a super day bloggers !

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