Thursday, April 01, 2010

Foto Friday EGGS

It's time again for FotoFriday at Rebecca's blog. You REALLY should join us- we are novices, not professionals, and what some have pulled out of inexpensive cameras is amazing..
This week we were concentrating on EGGS. I assume it's because of Easter. I could say a few things about this holiday, and as a Christian I really should. Why I won't.. I don't know. I have expounded on holy days not commanded by God before.. Ask my family.. we never had Easter baskets while my children were growing up.
However, one of my favorite things to do in the craft field is coloring eggs.. not EASTER eggs, just eggs.
I was out looking for some robin eggs and instead found this egg case on a bush..

Then..... just for fun....

I suppose I have a weird sense of humor.. but every time I look at these next couple pictures, I start to giggle...


Terri said...

I love them! The police line photo made me laugh out loud. I think you had a great take on eggs. :-)

Bonnie said...

Oh. My. Goodness. I cannot stop laughing, these are hilarious!
You definitely get the funniest photo of the week award!

Nanci said...

These are fantastic!!! You are to eggs what Calvin and Hobbes are to Snowmen. Great job!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG! Hysterical. Police line is definitely my favorite. SO creative!

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures and your sense of humor!! I'm new to the challenge and can't wait to visit your "home" again. :) Thanks for a great laugh!

Your Fellow Sister said...

Lol, I love the second to last one!