Monday, May 28, 2007


Yesterday on my way to work I noticed that the local VFW was having a service of Memorium to the fallen veterans at the Penn Township Veteran's Memorial. It is good to see that people do care. There were about 40-50 people and lots of cars lining the road.
Today is Memorial Day, or Decoration Day to some.

Dad always said the garden had to be planted over Memorial Day. There is not much danger of frost after this date. I can remember struggling to get my tomato plants in on that day- thinking they wouldn't grow if I didn't. How silly of me.

Today is a gainful employment day for me. I have been sent home early 2 nights now, and am hoping for the 3rd. I just have to be careful the number of hours I lose. I try not to lose more than 8 in a pay, but then the new pay period started yesterday, so I'm okay. It's been so very quiet at the hospital. I get all of the daily work completed before going to supper at 5pm, then it's sit and wait for something to come along.
There is always the night secretary who starts at 7pm and works a 12 hour shift. If they get an admission, she can help with it.

Gotta get moving here. Time to leave for work comes so quickly.
Pray for us..

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