Wednesday, May 09, 2007


Well, I did it. I did the infrared sauna. It wasn't nearly as bad as I'd imagined. 20 minutes and gradual upswing to 141 degrees before I got out. It made me sweat, but not bad. It was an interesting experience. I was cooled down quickly when I got out- no AC on in the PT office, but it still felt cool. I wouldn't mind doing this again some time, and perhaps they will let me.
We started more exercises today. I thought one was interesting- it had to do with balance. I stood on a semi inflated rubber ball on one foot and had to balance on it. I can do okay on the left, but the right is definitely a problem. I'm not balanced to begin with.. and this was not an easy exercise. They tell me I will be balanced before I end my PT sessions at the end of the month.
All in all, a fun and interesting afternoon. I go back Friday.

It's a lovely day today- 82 degrees and tomorrow should be another. There is a chance of a thunderstorm tonite, but so far, the sky is majorly blue and white fluffy clouds complete the picture.

More later........

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