Tuesday, May 15, 2007


I used to love to mow the grass here.. lots of it to mow. We had almost 8 acres of land of which about half was grass. At the trailer years ago, we planted something called Zoisia grass.. not sure of the spelling here. It was a fabulous grass that grows not more than 4-5" total and so thick that weeds can't penetrate. Amazing stuff. It spreads itself over time. We planted a couple hundred 'plugs'.. and then the plugger broke so we had to stop. The plan was to let the grass spread, get new plugs and plant them at our house.. Well, you have to admit, it was a great plan.. we never did finish.
As I was saying, I love to mow grass, but now am not able to do any of it. In fact, when grass is being mowed, I need to be inside where the air is not permeated with the pollens from grass flying in the air. I'm allergic to it. I'm now going to have to see an allergist the end of June, and if I have another uncontrollable attack, steroids would be the choice. My doctor has issued me an epi-pen. It's that bad. Mid April I had a shot of steroids to help me through till I got an appointment with the allergist. We shall see what all I'm allergic to.. I'm really not looking forward to being tested. I stopped by my PCP's office today and he gave me samples of some decongestants to try as well as nasal spray. Everything helps a little.

Today was PT day.. I was there over 2 hours. Ice, TENS, and then the sauna.. exercise and massage. I'm going back tomorrow too.. I only could stay in the sauna for 20 minutes this time.. at 143 degrees. I have to say, I got out sweating like a pig... ugh. .. or is that oink!

It is 86 degrees here in WPA.. a perfectly gorgeous day. The sun is shining so very brightly. It's also election day- primary. Wendell and I stopped on the way home from PT. I voted.. did you???

Gotta get some dishes done.. have a wonderful day..get out and enjoy the sunshine!


Anonymous said...

I had allergy testing a few years ago. It was not that bad.

Jthemilker said...

I like mowing the lawn too, but Keith likes to think of it as "His" job... so I let him. :)