Saturday, August 16, 2008

I've been marveling over the fact that we are half way through August already. What happened to summer? It's certainly not been a hot one as we anticipated (and the global warming crowd hoped for). It just hasn't been that bad. I could live with this.. The temperature is going to be about 54 degrees overnight with an anticipated low 80s for tomorrow. Not bad.
I do know there is a full moon tonite. Interesting.

We plan to be in church tomorrow, come home and set the table for supper, which will be a family get together with a picnic. Hopefully David will make up his mind whether he wants to stay or not. He did fine last year for most of the week.. we had a mini camp last year. My work schedule interfered big time.. this time, I'm off the whole week.
(A big hooray and sigh)

I'm really thankful that even though I have some limitations, I am able to do this again this year. Gramma Camp is fun for me too. It's busy all the time, regimented, and planned in advance. Each year it gets better and better. This year we will hopefully have 7 little campers..and we are sleeping out under the stars..(well, not really.. tents).
But outdoors... me too.. CPAP and all. John has promised to run a long extension cord from the house to the tent for me. *smile*

My desire is that my grandchildren have lots of good memories of their grandparents. The grandmother who sled rides with them and then in the summer camps out right with them. One never knows when that may have to end, but in the mean time, we are gonna PARTY!!

The NY cousin kids are chomping at the bit to come to camp this year. That's partly because the local grandkids have told them about it and the fun we've had before. The NY kids will arrive late Tuesday evening.. hope they can make campfire before we have to go to bed. We'll see.. and if they come very late, we'll just tuck them in the big tent .. squished all together.

The plan is for crafty stuff in the mornings.. baking, paper mache, pet rocks, and some other things they might enjoy..
After lunch we are going to play outdoors and do some games.. play in water.. have some relay races.. my favorite one is with a bean bag on the head.. gotta keep it there and make the length of the yard and back so the next person can do the same.. and bobbing for apples... and the marshmallows hung on strings... and don't forget campfire every night.. mountain pies and s'mores.. maybe some popcorn? Well, it's just gonna be fun... oh, and how about beach ball bowling!!!! My new camera is going to get a work out this week.
I couldn't find bean bags .. so I had Wendell help me fill some socks (the better part of a toe) with rice.. beans were beyond my price range. It worked.
I got some styrofoam from work and decided to use it for some target shooting.. until Charlie's girls showed up and nearly ate one whole piece.. you know, 16x16x2 piece of foam? I lost one entirely.. the rest are pretty messed up from pecking them. I wonder if Charlie will notice the styrofoam eggs?

I'm heading for my bed.. church tomorrow.. and then we start the camp.. oh boy!!!!

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