Sunday, August 24, 2008

SATURDAY..last day of camp

It's so very early in the morning.. Saturday went wayyyyy too fast. Even the kids came to me and said the week went too fast.. they wanted more time. That does my heart good. They are happy little campers and that makes me a happy gramma.
I have mixed emotions about the whole thing..On the one hand, I love my grandchildren individually ~for each of them has so much personality and lots of talents.. and I look forward every year to having them to myself for a whole week for the past few years. This year it happened.. a whole week of fun and games. I am so blessed to have such great kids~ they have fun, but they give back to me so much more.. love, hugs, kisses, and we get to know each other better one on one. Now, the other side of this is that physically it is difficult for me to keep up the pace for a week, and though I'm sad to have camp over as of Saturday evening, I am also glad to sleep in my own bed and be able to relax. I decided that today I'd put all my energy into one last blast of fun.. and then sit down. It's always trouble when I do that.. my back gives out and I feel like I'll never walk again.. Trust me, it's worth every moment.
I have been to bed, but the pain has me up and with the help of my handy dandy rice bag, I hope to get back to bed soon.. When it settles some time today, I'll blog Saturday's pictures...
Tonite, John made me a CD entitled Grandma Camp 2008... it made me cry to watch all the pictures of the past week.. see some of the bazillion things we did together.. and realize I won't be doing this again till next year.
I love the kids each coming to me tonite and offering a thank you and a hug for letting them come to camp. WOW!
I really need some sleep.. I'm wondering if I will be able to go to church in the morning.. it's looking bleak for a long drive there and I haven't been able to get to sleep yet.

Overheard this week.. the 2 four year olds in the driveway.. a sassy Gayle shaking her finger at David and saying "My daddy says I'm your boss!!".. and David, ever patient,
rolled his eyes and walked away.. it was cute and funny..
And then David sitting in the driveway by himself unaware that anyone was observing him..was examining tiny gravel.. each piece he picked up he'd throw over his shoulder and say "No good.. no good..."
The older kids did a lot of plotting and scheming around the Muffin Man (their Uncle John).. They were going to sneak upstairs and place a plate of paper cookies in his room, and then make a fuss over who had taken the plate of cookies.. and then discover them in Muffin Man's room. I talked them out of that one.. You owe me big time, Muffin Man.. (or maybe the CD was enough payment.)
I'm going to try to sleep now..
Pictures are forthcoming..

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