Thursday, October 15, 2009

Chicken Duty..

Today was interesting to say the least.. when I got home today I took a short nap and then bundled up to go to do the 'Chicken Duty'. When I went outside, I saw none.. It occurred to me that perhaps Paul had picked up the last of the girls to take to his home..
But I could hear the muffled sounds of clucking coming from the coop.. there they all were - inside where it was warm and dry. It was raining, cold, windy, and did I mention cold? It was about 35 degrees.. they have clean water, dry feed, and I tossed them a little cracked corn outside. Most of them went outside for the corn, but quickly returned to the coop. I found only 3 eggs.. a sure sign of winter's arrival soon..
Tomorrow we are to get a half inch of snow if the storm continues coming from the NE. Wendy says they may get 1-3".. ugh. The weather report says 100% chance of precipitation and that will be rain/snow mix overnight.

Office was very good.. three patients treated and each did well.
I note that the swine flu vaccine is a live vaccine and not safe for patients receiving biologics.
The regular dead vaccine for the flu that folks get every flu season is safe.
I also note that the shingles vaccine is not safe for my biologic patients either.. another live one.

My office day was not without the usual pain in my back.. it's not getting better. Perhaps when we are totally moved into our new place and I don't have to carry/move boxes, I'll start that healing process again.. but I'm not holding my breath for now. I'm thankful I can do what I can do.

Going to bed early, but not till I post my Foto Friday pictures for this week.. 'self portrait'.
I think I did okay.. not great, but ok. The important thing is that I took the photos myself.. it's a fun thing to do.

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