These are my hands.. They are aging hands that are bending to the results of arthritis.. Hands that have touched many, soothed many, spanked a few, and have guided a needle whether in sewing or in IV infusions.. These hands have lovingly held children and grandchildren, giving most of them their first home baths and changed literally thousands of diapers.. hands that have wiped runny noses and tears in eyes, brushed and combed hair.. held on tight for walks with little ones, played peek-a- boo with childern and grandchildren.. that have patted some on the back for great work.. written volumes, snapped a zillion pictures, chopped veggies, sliced meats, prepared a garden, meals, driven cars and trucks.. hammered nails, swatted flies, washed tons of laundry, dressed babies and children and myself.. sewed on buttons, made icecubes, made cookies and crafts with grandkids.. the hands that made gramma camp work.. these hands have given injections to patients to relieve their pain and a bazillion back rubs to ease some into sleep.. they are the ones that hugged a husband, child or friend.. and offered to help when and wherever needed.. they canned tons of veggies and fruits, meats and cakes, pickles and have washed uncounted dishes, pots and pans. They have swept floors, cleaned commodes, and wiped up messes .. planted asparagus years ago, blueberry bushes, and picked raspberries and strawberries..they have held the hand of some who were dying.. and many who were giving birth..
but especially the hands that fold together every day and pray for you, me, and all those around us..
This is the nose that has smelled a thousand dandelions, violets and daisies picked by pudgy little hands of sweet children and grandchildren too.
Full face.. yep.. that's me all right.. This is the face that has greeted my family over the decades.. happy to see anyone who wants to visit.. It's the face and smile that greets my patients as they arrive to my infusion room for their IV treatments.. the smile that my doctor employer tells me is worth a million dollars.. *smile*.. (I wonder if he knows my dentist?)
It is also the face of a grandmother who sees her grandchild for the first time..
and a mother when she first saw her newborn child..
It's the face also that greets my husband in the morning most days.
It's the face of a woman who is awaiting her new home in a few weeks..
My pie hole..
This is the mouth that tells my children and my grandchildren that I love them so very much.
It's the mouth of a nurse who uttered soothing words to my patients when they hurt.
It's the mouth of a Christian woman who loves to sing Psalms and praise the Lord.
It's also the mouth that has on occasion gotten me into trouble.. sigh...
Did I mention I actually have 2 blue eyes?
Yep.. those are mine
They look a bit tired.. weary.. aged.. but I can still see joy in them
I walked outside looking for a spot that I could use to take my self portrait..
and here I was following me all around.. so I took my shadow's picture..
Okay.. it's your turn to try your hand at Foto Friday.. it's not hard and it's a lot of fun
Put your photos on your blog and click on over to Renaissance and click on the Mclinky..
Simple! and then look at all the other entries while you are there..
This is lovely.
Oh, I like this post! How you go into detail about everything. I got a little choked up reading it, your are very comfortable with yourself, and that is GREAT!
This post is proof that even photos can't compare to the beauty of eloquent word pictures. What a lovely post!
Just lovely.
What a beautiful treasure you are!
I agree with the others---your series is so beautiful. And your words, born of a full life--priceless.
What a great idea! :) I love how you had thoughts & memories that went along with each photo!
Blessings to you!
What a sweet, sweet way of taking Rebecca's Foto Challenge! Not only lovely photos, but much thinking {and word-smithing} went into it too.
"Word-smithing"... is it a word? ,-) Well, it is now. A fancy way of saying, you wrote a lovely entry.
Gentle hugs,
Aunt Amelia
LOVE how you commented on each part of your face... BEAUTIFUL! And I love that you took a picture of your shadow!! VERY creative! :D
I love how you went into all the detail for each part of you. Thank you for sharing yourself with us.
I loved the pictures and Loved Your Post! :)
It was wonderful to see and wonderful to read!
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