Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Life is strange. Days seem to just fly by until you are wanting a certain day to arrive.. and then the days crawl along like spilled molasses on a snowy day. Ugh.
It just doesn't seem like it could be Thursday already tomorrow. Wasn't Sabbath just yesterday? It seems like it.
I've been trying to keep moving. I walk outside a bit. At least 3x a day around the larger portion of the yard.. up to the road and then across and down the other driveway. It's a nice walk, and about all I can manage before my back stiffens up. Gotta keep moving. If I stop, all my joints will come to a halt like the tin man. AACCKKKKK!!

It was a simply glorious day outside today. Even the chickens were more cooperative. They left me 10 eggs. Yesterday there were none...nada...zilch.
Oh well... They are free ranging again.. doing more outside the nether side of the old trailer. For several days I don't think they even came out.

One piece of equipment arrived today for the demolition. The guy says it will be a few more days, but the equipment will be coming in anyway.
It's creeping up on us ever so slowly. I am so happy I could just squeek!

Today I called the phone company to find out if they were ever going to unhook the phone from the trailer and at the pole at the road. They came in and marked the line with orange paint, but nothing more done. It's been about 2 weeks now.. I wondered if they even cared. The first guy I talked to didn't seem to understand what I was asking.. and finally was becoming snippy with me because HE didn't 'get it'. I finally asked to speak to someone who could tell me how deeply the telephone lines would be. The woman I spoke to really knew her stuff. I was so relieved and pleased to have spoken to her. She understood the dilemma and assured me that the only place one could NOT dig was where the orange paint was applied. I asked if that meant no one was going to disconnect the wires physically from the old trailer and she said ..'no'. Well... okay... questions answered.
So when that old line gets damaged, no sweat.. they will install a new line when the new trailer gets placed.
The gas company still hasn't picked up their tank. John moved it anticipating demolition beginning today. I called the company as they had told me two weeks ago someone would pick it up that following week.. but no one showed. Today the lady said 'oh, sometime in the next couple weeks'.. good to know. Glad I called. Glad we are not dealing with this company as OUR gas delivery service- we might freeze to death before they got us on their schedule.. Seriously, they were very nice about it and I didn't care, but they should let you know if they are not able to do as they said they would do. Imagine if we didn't have someone who could move that tank and the demo crew showed up..
Everything in God's time. I don't want my will imposed on any of this. I'll be happy when we move, but as God provides.

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