Friday, February 11, 2011

Thomas Update

He's out and about this morning. Face doesn't look as swollen, eyes are okay. I did note that in trying to eat dry cat food, he shakes his head with every bite. This leads me to believe he may have a mouth injury. Poor guy. I got 4 cans of Fancy Feast Appetizers this week with a coupon, so he now has the soft food and is eating it with relish. Most of his food was in his bowl from yesterday. I guess he wasn't up to eating after that battle.

Yesterday he was limping pretty much, but today he is walking with out difficulty on all 4. I can't even see the spots that were oozing.

I sure hope that big cat stays away.. Wendell is irate with him..

Not a good deal for the big boy.

1 comment:

Sandi S. said...

You could always put a little warm water in the kibble to soften it. Cheaper than buying can food.