Thursday, March 10, 2011

Another good day..

I could get used to this.. another mighty fine day.  Feeling good.  Breakfast was tasty, but next time I'll stick to a  half slice of bread as I have for the past few days.  It just sort of was too much.  This is a good thing though.
Lunch- I wasn't quite ready, but Wendell was.  I made him wedding soup (from a can, natch) and served it with a deli meat sandwich and half of a tangerine .. thank you Sandi and Rick.  He told me he really doesn't care much for wedding soup.  Oh, no.  I reminded him that every time Amanda served it, he said "Oh, good!" and ate it with relish.  I thought he liked it.   He really doesn't care for it much.  Good thing I only bought one can.  I got it as a treat for him.  LOL... the joke is on ME.  or maybe HIM.  No matter, I won't buy it again.
I had ham tidbits from last night's leftovers- about 2 oz warmed in the microwave.. the other half of his tangerine, and some tapioca pudding.. I drank my entire bottle of Ensure which normally lasts all day long. 
Today I walked up the driveway to get yesterday's mail.  It was very pleasant- it's 52*.. and the rain had stopped.  I noticed trash up nearer to the road at the end of the driveway.  It's not from us- I never go to Starbucks, and the milk jug left behind was from whole milk, and the container is yellow- something we have never bought.  I wish my neighbors would pick up their trash that blows out of their garbage cans.  They don't realize how hard it is for me to "police" these days.
Bad storm coming tonite- they estimate over 6" of very wet snow.  I know it won't last, and I'm so very thankful that God has given us a glimpse of spring to come.  It gives me hope.  I'm already making plans for a day outdoors to clean up and get my mini garden ready.
This morning when it was very comfortable to be outside, Wendell and I sat on the deck and watched the wildlife- 9 hen turkeys marched by in a line along the driveway.. while at least 8 squirrels danced in the trees behind them.  We watched the honking geese fly overhead looking for a pond on which to alight.  Then the deer- lots of deer roaming our little woods.  yesterday we spotted a groundhog- gotta get the traps out again.  I think I'll get another trap for this year and set 2.   Oh.. Wendell said the bunny was here this morning too- he's almost as big as Thomas.
It's been a wonderful day so far.. thankful to be retired and enjoying our surroundings for as long as the Lord will permit us to do so.
I think I'll go take a nap- I can do that- I'm retired and have nothing on my agenda.
I was planning to go to Bible Study tonite, but with the snow coming.. it's best I stay put, I think. 
My sister's hip surgery is scheduled April 14th.. prayer would be very appreciated on her behalf. 

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