Thursday, July 09, 2009

Road trip

It's a good day to take a road trip. That's after work today. I still have to work most of the day- 9 patients are awaiting infusions. I'll be very tired and sore when I'm done, but Wendell will do the driving to Valentines this afternoon. Pray for traveling mercy for us please.

Pray for no 'events' at the office too. The past 2 weeks we have had one event each week. Minor little things, but needing special attention nonetheless. The truth be known, in 6 years of infusions of biologics, we have had 3 actual reactions to the biologics. Everything else has been infusion reaction or just anxiety related. I can say that with authority in that the patients have all been able to finish the IV after they got settled down again. Curious.
Other kinds of problems exist, but these are related to patients who, when asked, deny any signs of infection figuring their sore throat is a minor thing, and then the molehill becomes a mountain. Biologics lower the immune system.

Gotta get a move on here.. lots to do before work and then, I have an early start today, so I need to be there a little earlier.

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