Sunday, January 09, 2011

It is the Sabbath day, and the only Holy day commanded in Scripture. We are commanded to worship the Lord this day and to bring an offering.
It has been difficult for me to keep this commandment. I pray during the week that NOTHING will stand in my way of attending worship, but alas, I'm frail and human, and today I slept in over the 'sonic screamer' that went off early, but I must have turned off in my sleep. I do that during the week without thinking too. But today is a Holy day, and my frustration with myself is nearly unbearable. I had so much desire to be at worship. My spirit was willing, but my body was weak. My guilt is through and through. This should not have happened. I seek forgiveness.
The day is not lost however, as I have my Professor Hoffman Bible study to continue, and I shall do that today without fail.

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