Wednesday, August 29, 2007


It is 6am. I've been up since 5am..that's on my feet. I didn't sleep at all last night. I decided if I was awake, I'd just make some good use of my time. So I worked on an information sheet update for my patients. I read some blogs, looked up more information on Candida, and tried to go back to bed. The CPAP mask kept leaking and blowing in my eyes. Restless night. Spent some of my awake time praying. Many are needy of prayer.
I got up again and worked on revising my medication/allergy/med history list to carry in my purse. Everyone should do that. It sure saves time if you have that list with you in an emergency situation. Been there... done that.
I've heard it said 'if life serves you lemons, make lemonade'.. in my case, coffee. If I'm going to be awake anyway, I might as well be alert.

I finished the cheesecake for John around 11pm last night. It smells heavenly and looks like a really good one. I'll never know except by those who get a bite. I'm not going to even try it.
I want to be over this nasty Candida, and the cream cheese and sugar in the cake will make the yeast in my body sing for joy and take another growth spurt.

Right now, I'd love to go outside and sit at the picnic table and enjoy a sunrise .. soon.. very soon.
Quiet..peaceful, restful, and beautiful. Not yet- I'd have to enjoy the stars and the moon first.
There is a full moon tonite..the 27th was the real full moon date, but it still looks full. Perhaps that is why I'm having trouble sleeping. I believe I've stated before that there is a direct affect on people during that time. I'm going out to look at the moon..

5 Minutes later...
Oh, I have missed it! It's already daybreak.. the sun isn't above the horizon, but the stars aren't visable, and no moon. It's a very foggy morning here.. lots of dew on the grass~ I know this because I went out in my sandals and my feet are a bit wet! Hah!
It's coolish this morning too... lovely. It will be a beautiful day.. I believe I read 86 degrees today.

I have a couple of packages to prepare this morning.. and one to work on for later this week. We have been invited to the Vulhops for supper tonite.
Time to hit the shower..
Have a fabulous day everyone.. enjoy it all.
Pray for us..

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