Thursday, August 23, 2007


I'm about frustrated with this allergy thing. This morning I felt pretty good.. not much but a cough here and there, not deep.. no wheezing, nose was clear and I had most of my real voice back. Wendell even noticed..
And then............. I decided to make us a light lunch. What could be easier or better than a home grown tomato right out of the garden.. stuffed with a goodly dollop of cottage cheese. I chose 2 lovely medium sized yellow tomatoes from the big bowl that Charlie brought over the other day.
By the time I got the tomatoes on the table (minutes later), I could feel my nasal passages filling up and draining down my throat.. followed immediately by a coughing jag and wheezing that sent me running for the inhaler. I don't get it. What is it? Tomatoes? Cottage cheese? I didn't so much as taste the juice of the tomatoes.. it was just on my hands which I rinsed off before going to the table.
So now I've finished off a box of Kleenex and am working on another. It's definitely allergy- it hit me square like a brick wall.
So here I am again- stuffed to the gills.. waiting for the wheeze to pass (which it has) and nervously wondering if my summer staple (tomatoes) are going to go on a list of foods that I can't eat any more.
I really don't know where to begin limiting foods.. I suppose I should start with bouillon and applesauce. Pretty hard to be allergic to those two.
I am scheduled to work tomorrow at the hospital. I'm hoping to be able to go.
Pray for us.. pray for relief of allergy.

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