Monday, August 27, 2007


Tonite I'm feeling just slightly better than I have for the past 2 weeks. Allergy induced asthma is the battle. For a while, I was feeling so miserable I was sure the asthma was getting the best of me. The doctor is very good and last week ordered me a chest X-ray and inhalers to help treat this problem. He also ordered a potent antibiotic to cover me in case of bacterial invasion while my immune system is down.
Yesterday I noticed my mouth felt odd.. gravelly. I finally got the nerve to look at the inside with a flashlight.. UGH! Thrush!
I saw the doctor again today and he discontinued the antibiotic. He told me that the other culprit was the steroid inhaler. What next?
So I am being treated for systemic candida as a side effect of being treated for asthma.
I now have 3 inhalers and have to use Nystatin mouth rinse that I also have to swallow. That is pretty gross tasting stuff and the first round of it came back up as fast as it went down. The second dose wasn't any better and most of it landed on the front of my shirt. Thankfully, I also took the Diflucan which will treat the systemic problem. (it stayed down)
The one new inhaler is for the broncho-spasms I seem to get while I'm having a coughing jag.
The other is the same steroid inhaler, but double the dose. He says I have to have it to combat the asthma.
The other inhaler is a broncho-dilator for those times when I am wheezing and can't get my breath.
Fun, huh?

On the lighter side... JJ and Keith came for dinner tonite. It was good to see them. I am trying to maintain the 'candida diet' in the best way I can.. so we had roast pork tenderloin, fresh fried zucchini, fresh green beans, fresh tomatoes from the garden..and rice.
We had a little rice left over and a serving of beans.
I have to keep my fruit intake to a minimum.. so tonite I'll have a handful of grapes to satisfy the sweet tooth.
Yeast breads are taboo for me for now. At least till the yeast infections all calm down.
I plan to get some yogurt tomorrow.. plain with active acidophiles culture.

In the mean time, though the Candida should be well under control in a day or so, I am on a 2 week leave of absence from my job at the hospital until the asthma also is controlled.

Pray I'll be over all this before my cousin Nicki comes to visit in September.

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