Sunday, August 05, 2007


I was thinking yesterday about advice we give to others. I wondered what advice YOU would give if you had the chance. So, here it is.. add to it if you wish..My advice to whomever will listen:

1. Take the time to slow down and thank the Lord for all he has provided you daily.
2. Moisturize , moisturize, and moisturize.
3. Never try to catch a baseball with your mouth open.
4. Always lock your car when you go out.
5. Even if you feel lousy, make an effort to smile at least once a day- it raises your spirit and makes you feel better.
6. Learn to laugh at yourself, don't put too much stock in other's criticisms
7. To have a friend, you must first be a friend- so be friendly to everyone
8. Treat others the way you would want to be treated.

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