Monday, August 06, 2007


So glad to be gainfully unemployed today.. I've had enough of the weekend fare. It's been a rough one for sure, and yesterday was just a tad short of the aggravation of the previous 2 days. Nonetheless, I came home sopping wet last night, cold and chilled to the bone and ready for my bed.
I had to park in the farthest out part of the North parking lot yesterday due to line painting that was being done in the parking garage. What a day for THAT. It was a soggy day all day, and then when it was time to go home, I got caught in a downpour, and thus, I was soaked to the gills.
I found that my car had no gas.. as I pulled out of the parking lot. Somehow I hadn't noticed that before. I knew I had plenty of fuel yesterday morning.. perhaps the trip to church? Well, I had to get gas in the pouring rain..and as I put my turn signal on to turn into the station I always use in Butler, the lights all went out- CLOSED. Oh, boy.. now what?,, so I kept on going and pulled into the 7-11 on Hansen. Nice new pumps.. I used my handy dandy debit card thinking I would be sheltered at the pump and wouldn't have to run into the store itself. Not so. The pump took the card, but refused the fuel and told me to see the attendant inside. RATS! Inside, the attendant told me to just try again.. and this time it worked. I put in 8.9 gallons.. I believe my tank holds 10.1- not certain of that, but it's close.
At home, Lake Blair was at least 4 times it's size for a regular downpour, and it was deep. I got through it and was just relieved to be home even if I was sopping wet from all my running in the rain.
Today, I slept in till 11am.. very unusual for me. I'd set the alarm for 8:30am figuring I'd sleep in till then, but I remember turning the alarm off and going back to sleep for 'just another 10 minutes'. HAH!
One really good thing is that the allergies that I've been fighting all week are calming down..I think. I still have the cough, the stuffiness, and the sort of gravelly throat, but it's less at least.
Another nice thing that happened today was that Wendell made the coffee .. I always make it the night before and just turn it on in the morning, but last night I was so zapped, I went pretty much straight to bed without my usual routines. AND... when I got on the scales this morning, I'd lost another pound bringing me to a total of 15# since I started my 'DOWNSIZING' program. It is painfully slow weight-loss, but the slower the better. It'll stay off this time.
With the allergies cropping up so much, I had decided to practice a sort of 'hypoallergenic diet'.. and now have been eating a lot of fresh raw fruits, veggies, and then just a little lean meat. I was going to eliminate dairy, but then decided to keep cottage cheese (in a small amount- 1/4 c serving), and butter.. can't go without the butter- in moderation. I don't want to exclude yogurt either, though I haven't had any lately. I'm also including nuts.. all different kinds.....raw and dry roasted. I'm trying to eliminate as much of the concentrated sugars that I can and then breads too. I take B vitamins, so I won't be missing that in the bread. I want to concentrate on whole grains, but so far I have been having Cheerios for breakfast, and that's pretty healthy for me.
Last night I had rice for supper with fresh fruit on the side.. and some rice crackers. It was enough.

I better get moving here.. time is wasting and I don't want to lose any more today than I already have..
Pray for us.. and for our leaders nationally and locally, and globally.

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