Saturday, February 24, 2007


12 degrees right now. We may make it to 30 later today. Tomorrow, despite the ice storm that is predicted, we should get up to the 40s.. Ah.. yes.. !!! Spring is coming.. how I long for spring.
It's cozy here in the bedroom- but I've had the little space heater going much of the night. It's temperature controlled- I set the temperature and it goes off and on keeping it constant.

  • Tomorrow baby Annabelle will be baptised. Many of the family will be in church to witness this event. How I thank the Father for this little soul who is ingrafted into His family. I am reminded of how very blessed I am. We have 8+ grandchildren at this moment- I never dreamed years ago that I could love so many little ones all at the same time. Each one is unique and has a place in my heart.

  • Wendy is 35 weeks pregnant. Pray for a safe delivery for her and baby Elijah. She feels that she will deliver as much as 2 weeks early with this one. He's a big boy. In the mean time, pray for her physical comfort if you would; she carries a heavy load that makes her back sore and she has trouble sleeping or being comfortable in any position.
  • Cory is also having myalgia/arthralgia problems.. keep him in prayer also.
  • Wendell seems to be on the normal side again as far as his GI system goes. We never know when the relapses will occur, but know that they will. Pray that the doctors will find the reason for his problem and be able to cure it if God wills.
  • We haven't called Joy to find out any news about her hospitalization. Will be doing that later today and will report back. Just pray the doctors find the source of her bleeding and can correct it.
  • Keith's Uncle Ken just had bypass surgery (coronary bypass).. doing well, but keep him in your thoughts and pray for his healing
  • Keith's stepfather is back home again and apparently doing well after his accident with a saw that took off part (?) of his little finger. Pray for healing without complication

That's it for the moment..

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