Monday, February 26, 2007


Yesterday we had an ice storm come through here. Paul reported really nearly nothing, Jane said she had glistening trees and bushes and maybe on her car's windshield.. but as you would go farther south and westward, the ice got worse.. John came home yesterday morning and reported horrendous roads from Cranberry to our house, and Wendell had to go out and chip the ice off the cars parked outside. It wasn't as bad as last time, but certainly not good. Apparently New Kensington got more than we did, and we cancelled our trip to church and Annabelle's baptism will be on hold a couple of weeks.
As the day progressed, the ice disappeared with warming temperatures.. it got up to 40.. we tossed some anti-skid material on the walkway to combat the ice there, and the family gathered here for cake and ice cream in honor of our grandson Paul's birthday.

The menu was pretty fantastic with barbecued pork sandwiches and roast beef with mashed potatoes and then a huge tossed salad. We had fresh fruit salad too.. It was delicious.

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