Monday, February 26, 2007


If I had to chose "the picture of the evening", it would be this one.
I was going to post the goofy ones of Keith, but Mandy took pity and
deleted them from the camera.. there were only about 6 of them.. but then, as things happened, we got this one absolutely precious one.

This one would take 2nd place for "best picture of the evening"..
David and his Uncle John.

I was trying to get David to pose for me, and he did. My batteries were running low and the flash was slow- so when he heard the camera click, he jumped up to see his picture .. "I SEE !! I SEE !!"..

Annabelle was so serious all evening. I think there was just so much noise that she was a little taken back. Wendell says when he took her to the bedroom to change her diaper, she smiled and cooed at him and seemed more relaxed.

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