Saturday, April 21, 2007


Though I was up till 1am today, I'm awakened early by the sun streaming into my bedroom window. It's a glorious day today..and will be about 74 degrees !! AMEN ! How I love spring. Have I mentioned that before? It's like a shot in the arm after the cold and dark of the winter months.
Today I'm going out to look at my asparagus. With the extra days of cold this spring , it may not be up through the ground yet, but I'm gonna take a look anyway. That's one of my favorite things about spring- Asparagus. I don't care for it canned or frozen, but I sure love the months that we cut it in the spring .. fresh. All of us love it, and we may not have it in the near future because of the sewage system going in locally. It is not determined as far as I know, just where the lines will be placed, but I have a suspicion it'll be directly atop my asparagus patch that I've loved for over 30 years. Asparagus is not one that you can just plant and get a good crop that year or the next. We had to wait many years before the stalks grew as big around as a thumb. We cut it every other day in the spring and early summer, and when we get our fill, it's let go to seed for the following year. It makes beautiful ferns that more than once has been used in a bouquet of Charlie's garden flowers and taken to church. So not only does it appeal to our appetites, but to our eyes also.
We shall see.

I will find out Monday whether I can have my back treatment done or not. The rhizotomy is appealing to me for 9 months of pain free living, but I also have a concern regarding medication (Plavix) that I have to discontinue for 10 days prior to the procedures. I spoke with my neurologist last night, and he was not encouraging, stating that there is an increased risk of stroke when one goes off the med even when taking aspirin too. He's not too happy about taking me off, but will make that determination on Monday this week. He said I wouldn't be the first one he'd have to deny, and not to get too excited about the procedure at this point. Too late.. I'm already psyched for it. He also told me that he'd likely take me off aspirin, as the newer information says the 2 shouldn't be taken together anyway- at least not long term as I have been doing.
Again.. we shall see.
The good news is that the medications that the Pain Clinic has given me are working. The spasms are so much less, I've been nearly pain free for several days now. Not sure which of the 2 is doing it, I'm hoping for the Baclofen, as the Arthrotec carries a stroke risk also, and I have a feeling that the neurologist won't approve it either.

On with the day.. it's a beauty. Enjoy it to the fullest.. Pray for us

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