Monday, December 22, 2008

It's here. Winter. As I write, it's 2 degrees and the wind is howling outside which means the wind chill factor makes it feel like -15 to -20 degrees.. that's MINUS degrees, friends. Anyone who has to be outdoors should be dressed properly in layers because of the threat of frostbite and hypothermia which can occur in minutes after exposure. It's enough to cause frostbite on a snowman!

Late yesterday afternoon, when I started to feel more human, I went out to check the car.. it looked like a dusting of snow on it, but it was actually about a quarter inch of ice all over, so I defrosted it and scraped off as much as I could manage. This morning I have to be in the office, and I'm glad I got the majority of the ice off yesterday. I wouldn't want to be standing outside this morning doing the same.
Has anyone seen Al Gore and his global warming cronies? They are gonna have a tough time with this winter.. explaining how we are all supposed to be sweltering in heat..hmmm

I'll be heading back to my cozy bed now.. stay warm.. dress warmly.. Look for signs of spring!

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