I slept poorly last night and ended up taking a nap this morning. It was the fault of a movie rental place... Wendell got a month of movies as a retirement gift, but had to choose.. so we had to fill the queue. Wendell had his 1st 3 movies chosen almost immediately.. and then the task began to choose more.... and more.. He quit after 15.. and HE went to bed with the suggestion that I choose some more to make sure there were enough. I took him seriously and started looking at all the genres that were offered, and inspected each one.. There are thousands of movies, and the thing you have to do is find the ones that are worth watching.. So I was up into the wee hours of this morning trying to fill up a queue with a personal goal of 50 movies. Not that we'll watch 50..not much chance of that.. but it means we won't run out no matter what.
I love comedies, documentaries, and family movies.. along with some drama and some thrillers.. and the musicals.. yaaaa gotta have some musicals... Oh,brother.
The first 3 movies are due to arrive tomorrow.. Tuesday.
I gave up on television a long time ago.. didn't have time for it, but even more, I find that there is nothing edifying on the tube. Another thing that bothers me is that one becomes numb to the violence on tv... Things that others watch without batting an eye, are so offensive to me that even when I do try to watch them, I find myself getting up and feeling 'dirty' and angry. These are family shows , of course.. I'm not a 'goody two shoes', I just haven't let myself get indoctrinated or brainwashed by the 'it's okay' and 'highly rated' nonsense.
I preview kids movies we show the kids or give as gifts..not because we are 'into' kids movies, but because the ratings don't tell you anything. The ratings move as people become more numb to the violence and sexual fantasies.. so that what is particularly violent and abhorrent to me, is just 'every day' viewing for kids.
My advice to parents today is to listen to the chatter on the play-stations and gameboys..not all the language and attitudes are edifying.
The news is just as bad..
I do watch an occasional movie on the VCR or DVD.. I can count the number on one hand for the past year. Recently I've viewed a few more while I crochet in the evening.
I get my news from
Drudge, or
WND.. and
other places of
interest. And.. I listen to talk radio..conservative talk radio.
Well, I'm sure you all wanted to read that.. HEY! are you still awake?!
We were honored to have the grandkids here this afternoon= all 5 of them.. We played board games and I turned a Sesame Street and a Veggie Tales video on to help keep Annabelle entertained. She didn't watch much. David watched a little and played a while with the big kids, but the cardboard box was definitely an attention getter.
I have to admit, it was a delightful afternoon..
Tonite I'll plan for more sleep and maybe even sleep in.. maybe.. big snowstorm is coming our way and may dump 5" of snow on us tomorrow evening.. Glad I'm retired.