Tuesday, February 09, 2010

2:45pm Tuesday

Weather.. what else? It is 2:45pm Tuesday, Feb 9, 2010.. there is a light dusting of snow on the deck.. it's been a fine snow coming down for an hour or so with flurries prior to that..
I cleaned off the deck a few moments ago for just a fine coating. Paul and P3 were here and opened the deck steps a bit more for us. I took the car to the top of the driveway in anticipation of being snowed in once again.. this is getting old.
Life has served us lemons...let us make lemonade. I'm gonna sit back and watch the snow accumulate.. I have stopped at the grocery store and bought enough provisions for another week of this.. and more.
I'm smiling, though longing for spring.
Wondering how my west coast family is handling all the rain?

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