Tuesday, November 04, 2008


This will be the most important vote of my lifetime.
The choices are ominous in our country and in the world.
As I walked through the cemeteries this past weekend, I was
mindful of all the graves with American flags.. veterans of all
the wars this country has endured. Not a family has escaped
the ravages of war in every generation. We all have known
veterans who fought for our freedoms to vote, to bear arms, and
to speak out and question our government among others.
There is a real threat at this moment of Socialism becoming
a mainstay of the US. Once here, it won't ever leave again.
Democracy will be gone forever, and we will, as history proves,
become a government under a dictator.
I pray my family members have not died in vain.

By all means, vote.
It may be your last opportunity to exercise that right.
I have prayed for God's will to be done in this land..
I've also prayed for mercy.

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