Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Yesterday was so uplifting hearing all the good news about our son-in-laws and their new jobs. God is faithful and has answered prayers on their behalf.
We also got news this week from the state. The fiscal year ends July 1, and the letter says that Wendell may be layed off at that time. That's MAY be layed off, not for sure. It's okay. There is still unemployment remaining for him, and we are looking into early retirement this fall for him. Health is a real issue, and though he's working on a limited scale, he is still healing from his surgery, and this may be a blessing for him. We are not discouraged, but put all our trust in God who continues to supply all of our needs. It's really quite awesome.

Uphold us in prayer.. thank the Lord for his richly blessing our family in all ways.

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