Sunday, June 25, 2006


What a beautiful day we had yesterday.. the sun shone, the temperature was in the mid 70s, and NO RAIN. Of course, we'd had rain all week- every day- with a break yesterday, and then, it rained again this morning. Jane called last evening to say they must have had a horrendous storm north of Butler, as the traffic lights were out near her house and there were puddles, wet roads, etc.
The picnic was grand. Lots of food, fun, fellowship. Everyone had a good time and the last of the guests left a little after midnight. My digital camera won't upload at the moment, so I took pictures with JJ's camera and we should have those to share some time this week.

Today I am gainfully employed. Though we managed to give away as much of the leftovers as our guests wanted, we still have lots. I'll be making a dandy lunch to take with me today.

Gotta get moving.. you'll hear more about the picnic when we get the photos.
Remember us... we covet your prayers.

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