Friday, June 16, 2006


Good morning..nearly afternoon..
I'm having computer problems and couldn't even get online this morning. I thought this computer crashed for a while. But it's up and running again..
I took pictures last night, but can't get them to upload.. wahhhhh!
It's been a kind of low day.
Gainfully employed today.. at the hospital.. and I haven't even had breakfast and it's already after 11am.. brunch will do nicely.
JJ and Keith came last evening.. brought me some clean laundry..and some good conversation.
They had been to Kennywood for Keith's company picnic. It's been so many many years since I've been there or any other amusement park for that matter.
Things are changing here.. John and Mandy are so busy after work each night. Paul comes when he's able, and you wouldn't believe what a fantastic job he and his friend Drew are doing!
All the old cars are pretty much gone and they are taking the scrap metal out too. It's looking much much better.. Thanks Paul! You are so appreciated!
Okay.. onward to the day..
Pray for us.. and have a fabulous day everyone!!!!

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