Sunday, June 11, 2006


"For the kingdom is the LORD'S; and He is the ruler over the nations." Psalm 22:28

In the last few years it seems like there has been an outpouring of Satanic practices in the world.. as if Satan himself has been unleashed upon us. I try to avoid the headlines, but they are ever present around me. It would appear that evil is triumphing. Scripture says not. The Lord is on His throne and He is totally in control over ALL nations. I take my hope and trust in the future from that. I believe it with all my heart and God will deliver us.

Today is the Sabbath. I will be gainfully employed for 12 hours today. Unusual for me, but I am hoping that the day will go quickly and smoothly. The overtime I earn today will buy badly needed tires for Wendell's car. He drives about 90 miles a day to work and home and needs good tires for his safety.

Yesterday John rolled the big tractor tire out to the end of the driveway and set the big flat stone in it that has our house number chisled into it. Mandy and he will plant flowers in and around the tire. It should be pretty. It is also functional. We have needed some kind of marking for our house for a long time, and the township requires it, so they will be happy too.

On to breakfast. I have to leave soon and will need some fortification for the day.
Pray for us please. Uphold us yet.

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